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"Explore Trees, Discover Nature. " -Fr.Principal

The Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens), also known as the Butterfly Palm or Golden Cane Palm, is a popular indoor and outdoor plant known for its graceful appearance and air-purifying qualities. It is often chosen as a decorative plant for homes, offices, and public spaces due to its elegant fronds and tropical vibes.The stems are covered with smooth, golden-yellow or light green colored bark, giving it a vibrant and tropical look. The plant can reach a height of around 6 to 10 feet (1.8 to 3 meters) indoors and can grow much taller outdoors in its native habitats.


The areca palm also called the yellow butterfly palm and golden cane palm is one of the easiest palm trees to grow indoors.The foliage is evergreen, of Fine texture and yellow-green in color. Pinnate, 6 to 8 pale green leaves per stem, 80 to 100 leaflets, to 8 feet long (2.4 m). Yellow if grown with enough light, 2 feet long. Yellow male and female flowers on the same inflorescence. This plant’s soft textures and fullness draw positive energy into a space. In addition to drawing in positive energy, areca palms are also thought to attract wealth, prosperity, and peace.


1. Areca palm absorbs toxic substances in the air, like VOCs and pollutants and purifies the air we breathe.
2. Areca Palms also increase the levels of humidity in the air.Additional humidity helps people with asthma and other respiratory issues breathe a little easier.
3. Areca palms, have been shown to help reduce stress by helping people to feel more comfortable, calm, soothed, and natural in indoor environments.
4. Areca palms are among the best plants for people who suffer from allergies.
5. The Areca palm uses a metabolic process called crassulacean acid metabolism to continue photosynthesis and the releasing of oxygen throughout the night.