"Explore Trees, Discover Nature. " -Fr.Principal
Bauhinia variegata is a fast-growing, attractive, deciduous tree with a dense, spreading crown; it can grow up to 12 metres tall.The tree is extremely handsome in flower and is often grown as an ornamental,or street tree in tropical areas. Bauhinia variegata is a plant of tropical and subtropical climates with hot, dry summers and mild winters. It demands plenty of light and requires good drainage. Severe frost kills the leaves of seedlings and saplings, but they recover during summer. The tree is fairly resistant to drought but susceptible to fires.
1. The juice of the bark is used in the treatment of amoebic dysentery, diarrhoea and other stomach disrders.
2. A paste of the bark is useful in the treatment of cuts and wounds, skin diseases, scrofula and ulcers.
3. The young green bark detaches easily from the tree and yields a fibre that is used for cordage.
4. The tree yields a gum.
5. One of the main uses of the tree is as fuel. The calorific value is 4 800 kcal/kg.